TAGUIG CITY – The National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL) published its Science Advisory No. 2024-01 titled “Towards Reducing the Prevalence of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease: Predictors of Hypertension among Filipinos from the Lifecare Philippine Cohort”. Acd. Rody Sy, a renowned cardiologist and member of the NAST PHL Health Science Division, authored this advisory.

Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines while hypertension is the command cardiovascular risk factor, Dr. Sy said.

Knowing the predictors for the development of hypertension will be crucial in reducing its prevalence and preventing the complications that come with it, he added.

According to this country’s first study that provided an incidence of hypertension based on a longitudinal cohort population, increasing age, male sex, family history of hypertension, abdominal obesity, low HDL-C, and high normal blood pressure were significantly associated with the development of hypertension among Filipinos in a span of 4 years.

The renowned cardiologist said that as the study was done in only a few provinces in Luzon, the results may not be generalizable to the whole country. Selection bias of recruited participants, lack of follow-up of some participants in the second visit, and Blood Pressure determinations made in a single visit were limiting factors to be considered.

“Nevertheless, the results provided us with an overview of the problem of hypertension in our country”, he added.

Dr. Rody Sy, through the NAST PHL science advisory, recommends a healthy lifestyle to prevent or delay the development of hypertension. He also recommends providing communities with open space and facilities for people to exercise, using active transportation, and securing financial support for further study.

The science advisory may be accessed through https://bit.ly/NASTHypertension. (AANavarro/NAST PHL)

The National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL) is an attached agency to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) mandated by law to recognize outstanding achievements in scientific research and development and to serve as an adviser to the President of the Republic of the Philippines and the cabinet on policies concerning science and technology in the country. For more updates, follow NAST Philippines’ (@nastphl) social media accounts.