Future Earth Philippines (FEP) was established in 2017 as a collective effort by a group of scientists and individuals from the business sector and civil society. Their initiative was driven by concerns over the urgent ecological issues confronting the nation. Since the early 1960s, the Philippines has been experiencing an ecological deficit marked by a steady decrease in biocapacity and an alarming increase in ecological footprint.
FEP is currently advancing an initiative that is focused on promoting sustainability, resilience, and inclusive development. It is aligning itself with the global Future Earth network to further its goals and objectives in these areas. Starting in 2018, FEP has organized workshops with the goal of convening diverse stakeholders including the government, the academe, NGOs, communities, and private enterprises to facilitate collaboration, communication, and collective action towards addressing pressing ecological challenges and promoting sustainability in the Philippines. The workshops are designed to cultivate an appreciation of the interrelation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to formulate projects that are transdisciplinary and inclusive. Initially, multiple thematic clusters were formed to delineate the boundaries of their specific focal topics and challenges, as well as to identify the relevant Sustainable Development Goals.