Tagaytay City, Philippines – The recently concluded international symposium organized by the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and the National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL), supported by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Philippines last September 21-24, 2017 at Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City, Philippines has called for collaboration among scientists, researchers, private and public sectors to produce tangible results from the different scientific researches through translational research.
Dr. Michael Barber, a member of the expert panel of the IAP emphasized the importance of cognitive diversity, collaboration, and engagement of researchers with policy makers for the success of translational research. According to him, science in the academies can affect the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He challenged the science community to think about how science advice can be translated to mechanisms, framework, and tools for the attainment of the SDGs.
AASSA President, Dr. Yoo Hang Kim, said that disconnect between and among basic science researchers, implementers, and end users must be addressed through translational research. He encouraged the researchers to put prime consideration to the end users of the study. Relevance of research is important in integrating translational research to societal policies.
During the two-day activity, topics related to translational research were tackled, such as metrics for success in research translation, communications strategy, financing mechanism for translating research, agriculture and biological sciences, translational research through science and engineering education, translational research in health, social sciences, and policy.
Experts from different parts of Asia, including the Philippines, and Australia presented the results of their studies, including the challenges they faced in making their projects a success. They emphasized the importance of synergy and collaboration in the translational research process. Different strategies were also presented on how to best communicate science.
Resolutions summarizing the recommendations of the AASSA-NAST PHL International Symposium were presented to DOST Secretary Fortunato T. De La Peña by the AASSA President Dr. Yoo Hang Kim and NAST Philippines Academician William G. Padolina during the closing ceremonies of the international symposium.
In response, Secretary de la Peña elaborated that scientist alone cannot do the full translation of research. The support of other stakeholders, in public and private sector, is very important. The communication of research results in an appropriate and timely manner will make its utilization possible.
AASSA-NAST PHL International Workshop recommended 6 action points for Science Academies and their Networks that include (1) formulating and developing strategies on how member academies can share and learn from best practices in research translation; (2) promoting and supporting of multi- and trans-disciplinary research to realize real and holistic impacts on the community; (3) advocating and supporting ethics and scientific robustness in the conduct of research; (4) communicating in an appropriate and timely manner to all key stakeholders the available knowledge or technologies from researches for their utilization; (5) training and mentoring young talents on research translation by providing innovative platforms for learning and development, including mobility among academies; (6) promoting collaborative initiatives among academies to help in the attainment of the SDGs.
For Higher Educational Institutions, it was recommended that the teaching of research translation in science and technology be imbedded in STEM degree programs as a critical link in the supply chain for new concepts, devices and systems. On the other hand, funding agencies should recognize and support technology transfer as a critical step in the process of Research and Development, either through adoption and commercialization by the private sector or deployment by mandated government agencies as part of national and local programs.
Lastly, all R&D Stakeholders are encouraged collaborate in the formulation of the R and D Research Agenda in order to focus resources on priority issues. The national governments are urged to provide an enabling and conducive environment to realize the full cycle of research and development in relation to the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations.
The Academy expressed its hope that the results of the international Symposium will be favorably considered by the concerned sectors of the society in the different AASSA-member countries.

AASSA-NAST PHL International Symposium
Realizing the Full Cycle of Research and Development: From Bench to Community
21-22 September 2017 | Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City, Philippines
Realizing the Full Cycle of Research and Development: From Bench to Community
21-22 September 2017 | Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City, Philippines
WHEREAS, in order to meet the seventeen (17) United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, science and technology should be harnessed in national and global efforts;WHEREAS, science academies play a vital role in supporting and communicating science, influencing national and international policies on science-related matters, and fostering the next generation of young and talented scientists;
WHEREAS, Inter Academy Partnership has identified six (6) strategic priorities that would create new opportunities for its member academies in achieving the said roles of science academies, one of which is – positioning IAP and IAP members as recognized and independent providers of quality global science advice through the issuance of policy relevant statements and policy reports on critical issues of global significance;
WHEREAS, Translational Research, as an emerging trend in science, is designed to respond to societal needs and defined as the process of applying ideas, insights and discoveries generated through basic scientific inquiry to the improvement of human lives and societies, facilitating the cascading of new knowledges, “from bench to community;”
WHEREAS, the science and technology agenda in the interest of society is now recognized as a vital component of development and sustainability and its timely and accurate communication to ultimate users must be facilitated;
NOW, THEREFORE, the participants of the AASSA-NAST PHL International Workshop recommend the following actions to be addressed accordingly by the appropriate offices and agencies.
A. For Science Academies and Their Networks
- To formulate and develop strategies on how member academies can share and learn from best practices in research translation;
- To promote and support multi and trans-disciplinary research to realize real and holistic impacts on the community;
- To advocate and support ethics and scientific robustness in the conduct of research;
- To communicate in an appropriate and timely manner to all key stakeholders the available knowledge or technologies from researches for their utilization;
- To help train and mentor young talents on research translation by providing innovative platforms for learning and development, including mobility among academies;
- To promote collaborative initiatives among academies to help in the attainment of the SDGs;
B. For Higher Educational Institutions
- To imbed teaching on research translation in degree programs in science and technology as a critical link in the supply chain for new concepts, new devices and new systems, e.g., digital education, that may lead to disruptive technologies and innovations;
C. For Funding Agencies
- To recognize and support technology transfer as a critical step in Research and Development, either through adoption and commercialization by the private sector or deployment by mandated government agencies as part of national and local programs;
D. For All Stakeholders for R and D
- To synergize and collaborate in the formulation of the R and D Research Agenda to focus resources on priority issues.The national governments are urged to provide an enabling and conducive environment to realize the full cycle of research and development in relation to the sustainable development goals proclaimed by the United Nations.
Signed on the 22nd day of September 2017 during the AASSA NAST PHL International Symposium on Realizing the Full Cycle of Research and Development: From Bench to Community at Taal Vista, Tagaytay City, Philippines.
National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines
Academy of Science Malaysia
Academy of Science Malaysia
Korean Academy of Science and Technology
Korean Academy of Science and Technology
Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Australian Academy of Science
Australian Academy of Science
Indonesia Academy of Sciences
Indonesia Academy of Sciences
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
South African Young Academy of Science
South African Young Academy of Science
Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia
The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia
Inter Academy Partnership for Science
Inter Academy Partnership for Science