TAGUIG CITY - The National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL) welcomes the inclusion of the UP Archipelagic and Oceanic Virtual University (UP AOVU) among the ten flagship programs of the University of the Philippines that were launched on 18 June 2024, as part of the university’s 116th Founding Anniversary celebration.

According to the UP Strategic Plan 2023-2029, the flagship program of the UP AOVU will pioneer “a transformative approach to understanding and utilizing our archipelagic environment for sustainable development.” The virtual university hosted in UP Diliman and satellite offices will offer post-graduate programs and conduct research on marine conservation and the Blue Economy. The UP AOVU will also be instrumental in building national, regional, and international collaboration, and leadership in archipelagic and oceanic studies.

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UP Strategic Plan 2023-2029 and the Flagship Program on the UP AOVU (Photos: University of the Philippines)

NAST PHL and the Proposal for an Oceanographic and Maritime University

In April 2022, National Scientist Emil Javier prepared a concept note for a virtual university on oceanographic and maritime studies that was presented to then-UP President Atty. Danilo Concepcion. The meeting was attended by then-DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña, then-NAST PHL President Academician Rhodora Azanza, and the Director of NAST PHL Ms. Luningning Samarita-Domingo. The proposal was welcomed by President Concepcion, which led to the creation of an ad hoc committee to study the feasibility of creating a virtual university on archipelagic and maritime studies. President Concepcion also appointed Academician Azanza, a UP Professor Emeritus, as the chair of the committee composed of experts from the constituent universities of the UP System. The ad hoc committee was co-chaired by Dr. Maria Cynthia Rose B. Bautista, then UP Vice President for Academic Affairs. The UP Board of Regents under the current term of President Angelo Jimenez approved the creation of the AOVU. A Technical Working Group (TWG) to Operationalize the AOVU was convened and headed by Atty. Jay Batongbacal, Director of the UP Institute for Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea, with Academician Azanza as co-chair.

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Presentation of the concept note proposing the creation of a virtual university for archipelagic and maritime studies to UP President Danilo Concepcion (Photo: NAST PHL)

Inspired by PAGTANAW 2050, the proposal for a virtual university supports the vision for a “prosperous archipelagic and maritime nation” in the next thirty years. PAGTANAW 2050 is the first DOST-funded inter-disciplinal and trans-disciplinal project on Philippine-focused STI Foresight and Strategic Plan that will impact on the aspirations of the Filipino people by 2050. The foresight document is a compendium of STI megatrends, global and national societal goals, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary operational areas, and current and emerging technologies relevant to the nation’s development that is firmly grounded in the Filipino people’s aspirations within the context of the natural and physical endowments, as well as shared Filipino values, skills, and other potentials.

Relevant NAST PHL Initiatives on Coastal and Marine Concerns

In 2017, NAST PHL highlighted the Blue Economy during its 39th Annual Scientific Meeting wherein the Academy proposed the creation of a Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The said Cabinet-level office will serve as the lead agency for fisheries, oceans, and other aquatic resources as well as spearhead the development of the national Blue Economy. Recommendations on addressing human resources, public awareness, innovation, regulation, environmental conservation and management, infrastructure for maritime, communication and research, and industry development were also raised. The Academy also organized a two-part Science Policy and Information Forum on the Philippine Blue Economy in 2019 as it reiterated its call for sustainable development and management of our aquatic resources.

The creation of a “virtual” university for marine and archipelagic studies that will integrate and coordinate the initiatives of higher education institutions on oceans, fisheries, and the Blue Economy, was also first raised in 2017 for the consideration of the Commission on Higher Education. NAST PHL further strengthened its call for the institution of higher education programs and academic units dedicated to maritime and oceanographic studies during its 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting in 2023. It also encouraged the deployment of scientific talent in the regions for the development of regional foresight, organization of local consortia and networks for accessible and quality education, training of workforce to optimize the use of our terrestrial and maritime resources, and upgrading of skills of agri-fisheries extension workers.

NAST PHL has also participated in the recent discussions facilitated by the Marine and Ocean Affairs Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs on the International Agreement on Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) and the draft regulations on deep seabed mining by the International Seabed Authority. Marine scientists and members of the Academy have also joined congressional hearings as members of the TWGs on proposed policies and laws on mangrove greenbelts, integrated coastal ecosystem management, the Philippine environment natural accounting system (PENCAS), and the Philippine Blue Economy.

In March 2024, the NAST PHL Executive Council approved the creation of the Special Concerns Program Technical Working Group (TWG) on Accelerating the Utilization of Knowledge and the Development of Ocean Science in the Country. The TWG led by Acd. Fernando Siringan and Acd. Gil Jacinto aims to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current state of ocean science in the country, assess the awareness and utilization of knowledge in ocean sciences and marine hazards, and identify strategies to accelerate the development of ocean science and enhance its utilization in the country.

Through these initiatives, NAST PHL continues to collaborate with stakeholders and provide advice on science, technology, and innovation towards the sustainable and prosperous utilization of our coastal and marine resources. (Ryan John Pascual/NAST PHL)

The National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL) is an attached agency to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) mandated by law to recognize outstanding achievements in scientific research and development and to serve as an adviser to the President of the Republic of the Philippines and the cabinet on policies concerning science and technology in the country. For more updates, follow NAST PHL’s (@nastphl) social media accounts.